Looking for Permanent Eyebrows in Kent?

Specialist beauty salon, Microblading & More, is a permanent eyebrow specialist in Newington, Kent. By offering you my Unique Guarantee with my permanent eyebrows and all my services, shows you exactly how confident I am that you will just love your visit to my permanent eyebrow specialist salon.

Eyebrows make all the difference to your appearance and frame your face beautifully, or they should! However, through the years we overpluck them, over tint them and they can just thin out with age. Also, eyebrows are often lost as a result of alopecia, or from certain medication such as chemotherapy.

Having been through this myself, I understand how it feels to look in the mirror and not recognise the reflection. As soon as I had my eyebrows put back on I had so much more self-confidence and felt much better and more ‘normal’.

I initially trained in microblading, which are ultra fine hair strokes, giving a natural and fluffy brow. However, I soon realised this was not a suitable treatment for everybody, especially if you are taking certain medications. So, I have also trained in machine brows. When using a digital hand piece, more ink is pushed into the skin and so the retention of the eyebrow is far better.

There are several options with semi-permanent eyebrows, depending on the look you are wanting to achieve. If you normally pencil, or powder, your eyebrow shape, then powder or ombre brows would be for you. Soft shading is used with this technique, to mimic the effect you get when using a pencil or powder. This method enhances your existing eyebrows, giving them depth and definition.

If you are looking for a more natural look, but unable to have microblading, then I would recommend the combination brow. This pretty much does what it says on the tin! I would create the illusion of a full brow with lots of depth and definition, by creating individual hairstrokes either with a manual blade, or with the digitial hand piece. I would then use the digital hand piece to do some light shading through the middle of the brow, giving it that depth and look of fullness.

Before any treatment though I will discuss your options fully with you and make my recommendations. These will be based upon your medical history, your expectations of the treatment and your skin type. I will always take time to measure your face and make sure I draw the correct eyebrow shape for your face. And, most importantly, I won’t start creating anything with ink until you have had a good look at the brows I have drawn on and you are happy for me to continue.

This is very much a process whereby I work with you to get the end result you have dreamed of!

I will need to have a full consultation with you and carry out a patch test before any treatment plan can start.

You can check out my Guarantee that you won’t find in any other beauty salons in Kent. Plus don’t just take my word for it… read what my happy clients are already saying about me in my testimonials on our homepage.

My site is PACKED with great deals and information for you so please take a look around and if you think I am the permanent eyebrow salon in Kent for you, just call me for a FREE consultation on 07977 685497.

p.s No need to keep looking through other permanent eyebrow specialist salons in Kent, I would love to be your salon of choice for your permanent eyebrows and beauty needs in Newington, Kent. So please give us a call on: 07977 685497.